Integrating a Multicultural Framework into Supervision: Fostering Culturally Sound Clinical and Instructional Practices

May 16th


Online Via Zoom 

Presented By: Shalena Heard, Ph.D & Rowena, Ng, Ph.D

This presentation is designed to review the history of how multicultural competence education has been integrated into psychology training programs by way of course work, clinical supervision, and field experiences (i.e., externship, internship, postdoctoral fellowships) to date. Attendees will learn about the unique opportunities training sites can offer to foster current trainees’ development into culturally sound clinicians, supervisors, and instructors. Attendees will also have the opportunity to review culturally complex clinical and supervision case examples, and discuss strategies for navigating such examples.

  • Attendees will describe the history of cultural competence training in clinical psychology and neuropsychology graduate programs.
  • Attendees will compile and list the unique ways clinical training sites can aid their development as culturally sound clinicians and supervisors.
  • Attendees will engage in discussions on how to navigate case conceptualizations and supervision experiences with a multicultural lens.


Providing Clinical Supervision in a Private Practice Setting

June 6th


Online Via Zoom 

Presented By: Renee Smucker, Ph.D

This workshop will focus on the logistics of Early Career Psychologists supervising in the private practice setting. Specifically it will review the transition from supervisee to supervisor and how to be a competent supervisor. It will also review Maryland laws for supervising psychology associates, social workers, and counselors; all of which the presenter has experience with. It will include a review of supervision contracts and the structure of supervision and how this impacts clients.

  • Review guidelines for ethical supervision across different disciplines
  • Discuss the addressing framework and it's usefulness for clinical supervision